Monday, April 18, 2011

Class Reflection

As I have read my personal learning theory from week one a few times over, I feel confident that everything I stated is still in my theory of how students learn.  In fact, I can now add titles to some of the ideas that I listed in that initial essay.  One thing I described is how many of the best learning experiences I have had a part in consisted of something being created by the learner’s own two hands, and I can now title this theory constructionism. This theory “emphasizes the value of learning through creating, programming, or participating in other forms of designing,” and tends to add personalization and motivation to student work (Han & Bhattacharya, 2001).

Another philosophy I have been an advocate of for years is that more school projects and practice needs to be focused on real world applications.  To me, learning facts or ideas without any idea of how to implement them in a real setting is mostly a waste of time.  Now, I know from personal experience that you sometimes pick up where to use those facts later down the line, but it would have been much more beneficial to be exposed to those connections near the onset.  This theory now has a name attached also, and it is called problem-based learning or inquiry. “Problem-based inquiry is an effort to challenge students to address real-world problems and resolve realistic dilemmas,” (Glazer, 2001).  I love this approach, and wish more high schools would buy into it instead of focusing on how to score proficient on state standardized tests.

I have also added a few modifications to my learning theory, including the importance of using technology as a learning tool as opposed to an instructional tool and mastering learning strategies over the course of my career.  As Dr. Michael Orey points out, there is a distinct difference in using technology as the teacher in front of the class, and activating the learner’s creativity and potential by giving the technology to the kids (Laureate Education, Inc., 2010b).  This will be an important philosophy to adhere to as I start to include new tools and lesson plans.  Secondly, I have found value in the idea that a teacher should not try to implement a handful of things all at once, but is better off to master a skill or two at a time.  This idea was brought to light as Dr. Debra Pickering discussed how it might be good for a teacher to concentrate hard one year on adapting their curriculum to include identifying similarities and differences and maybe experiment with another, but it can be ineffective to try too much (Laureate Education, Inc., 2010a).  So mastering a few proven strategies at a time as opposed to racing between several will be more beneficial for student learning.

In the short-term, I will do my best to include wikis and VoiceThread in the fourth quarter this year.  I have already had two classes start wikis, and now just have to follow though on finalizing them.  My algebra 2 class is working on a quarter long project that has them posting the procedures they learn, and attaching pictures of graphs and other images that add value.  The geometry wiki project has students creating a series of images using similar shapes in Geometer’s Sketchpad, and then pasting the images online with complementing descriptions.  Each of these wikis are being done collaboratively in groups and will enhance learning through comparisons of their work to others in the class, as well as teaching them how to use web building tools.  I have not determined exactly how I will use the VoiceThread software yet, but I know I will require them to solve real life problems online using both the audio recorder and webcam.  This will teach students important 21st century skills including problem solving, communication literacy, and using modern recording applications.

In terms of my instructional strategy repertoire, I have surely picked up two skills to focus on in the upcoming year, and they are nonlinguistic representation and identifying similarities and differences.  I already use both, but I have not mastered either.  In daily lesson planning I will use a template next year that has check boxes for both, and I will strive to include them regularly.  For example, I will modify my Promethean flipcharts by adding images to support ideas, and videos to strengthen procedures.  To ensure I also include more ideas of similarities and differences, I will use a prompt from Dr. Debra Pickering where students are required to identify the topic and format, identify characteristics, explain how they are similar and different, and at the end of the lesson, state what was learned (Laureate Education, Inc., 2010a).  In this type of teaching I will also include many images where they can visually compare and contrast, and aim to use proper examples and non-examples of desired traits.

The visions of my long-term goals include making my classroom fully supported online, and having a problem-based attachment to every unit.  The importance of an online classroom is to make learning mobile and available to students no matter where they are or what they need help with.  One of the hardest things for me to do is find the time to catch students up when they miss class and to find the time to stay after school multiple days per week for individual help.  My goal is to use this summer to create my own classroom on Google sites complete with printable homework, notes, and numerous resource links.  I already know how to create a wiki from these classes, and will use a few model sites to setup my framework.  I am even thinking I should attend a web design seminar in my off months.  The problem-based inclusion will probably take a little more time because I have to come up with authentic problems, possibly centered on a thematic unit.  However, I will set a goal to make two units problem-based next year, and then evaluate where to go from there.  In any case, I have added several new technologies and strategies to implement and experiment with.  It was my goal to learn new and innovative ways to use technology in the classroom and begin to reshape the direction of modern education, and I think I have made progress again in this course.     


Glazer, E. (2001). Problem Based Instruction. In M. Orey (Ed.), Emerging perspectives on learning, teaching, and technology. Retrieved <April 17, 2011>, from

Han, S., and Bhattacharya, K. (2001). Constructionism, Learning by Design, and Project Based Learning. In M. Orey (Ed.), Emerging perspectives on learning, teaching, and technology. Retrieved <April 17, 2011>, from

Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2010a). Program eleven. Instructional strategies, Part one [Webcast]. Bridging learning theory, instruction and technology. Baltimore, MD: Author.

Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2010b). Program thirteen. Technology: Instructional tool vs. learning tool [Webcast]. Bridging learning theory, instruction and technology. Baltimore, MD: Author.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

VoiceThread: Prioritizing Time

Hello everyone.  I've uploaded a my VoiceThread topic and chose to focus on a current struggle I'm having with balancing time commitments.  If you have any good advice or are a strong organizer, I invite you to share your opinions.  Thanks!