Thursday, January 26, 2012

Moodle Update

As I work toward my “GAME” plan goal of implementing Moodle curriculum, I have found it important to first organize a list of materials. What I have chosen to do is create one mini-unit to use this year in advanced algebra, and then create a layout for my entire geometry course for next year. The unit I choose in advanced algebra will be selected next week once I have had a chance to preview the outline of the text. This is my first year in my current district and we are starting a new book in February for the second semester. The class is for accelerated 8th graders and combines geometry and algebra 2 into a one year course. I know these students will surely take the learning into their own hands and that is why I have chosen to begin with them.

I met with a teacher who has been using Moodle for two years in similar math courses and she recommended to me that I first put all of my resources into files because that will help with the organization process. So what I have started to do is organize all of my worksheets, notes, Sketchpad files, and so on, and sorting them into new Moodle files. These files will be extremely valuable in case the service would discontinue and I would have to upload my materials to a new host. Then, I have to begin collecting games, manipulatives, and interactive resources on word documents in order to see what I have and what I need more of. Once this organization of resources has been established, it will be much quicker to attach all of them to the Moodle site. I am eager to begin organizing next week and look forward to choosing a fitting chapter for my inaugural Moodle unit! For those of you who aren't sure of what Moodle is, I've attached a short video that explains some of its capabilities.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Carrying Out my “Moodle” GAME Plan

My GAME plan of implementing Moodle is well on its way as I completed my first workshop this Wednesday the 18th of January. The training was pretty basic, but it needed to be since I had no previous exposure. I got my course set up and investigated several functions such as how to attach files, embed audio or video clips using html codes, organize interface settings, and engage students in secured online forums. So now all I need is time, which unfortunately may be the hardest thing to get. As with any new software, it takes getting used to and scheduled time to experiment with.

I also acquired a few new colleagues at the event that have offered assistance should I need it in the coming months. When I need additional information I will first contact our schools technology and curriculum specialist who I have worked closely with in the past few months, but if she is not available I now have the support of others who share the same goals that I do. In addition, I was given reference to a great book called “Using Moodle: Teaching with the Popular Open Source Course Management System,” if I should desire a greater understanding of the software and its functions. My next step is to determine which of my classes I want to begin with and pick an upcoming section.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Developing My Personal GAME Plan

My “GAME” plan for strengthening my classroom and confidence is focused on the performance indicators of facilitating and inspiring student learning and creativity, and engaging in growth and leadership as a professional. In relation to these areas, I have set a goal to learn how to use a course management system known as Moodle and implement it in my classroom. The reasoning behind this goal is to promote an environment that students can use to interact, collaborate, and strengthen their knowledge of content. It will also provide growth for me as a teacher in determining ways to “explore creative applications of technology to improve student learning” (International Society for Technology in Education, 2008).

This was actually a goal I had addressed at the beginning of the 2011-2012 school year, but having moved schools, I decided to wait until I got settled into the new environment before taking on the challenge. Last month I saw a training session available to January 18th and quickly signed up. Coincidently, this training and goal correlates nicely with the performance indicators put in place by the International Society for Technology in Education, and I am excited to learn the tool and put it into place. Second semester starts for us on the 30th of January, which will provide a great transition point to implement the application.

For this goal, I will monitor my progress by first requiring students to have discussions within the host site, and encouraging positive collaboration between them. I will then have links and assignments posted on Moodle that students will be required to use in order to complete assignments and activities. Some of the links will go to other interactive sites such as VoiceThread, NCTM Illuminations, and the National Library of Virtual Manipulatives in which students will be asked to creatively problem solve.

The most challenging part of this process is going to be developing a method to evaluate and score student work that is not simply based off of completion. My plan as of now is to create basic rubrics so that students know what they will be scored on. Extensions could also be linked to these the sites I mentioned above, as well as to other applications to provide a place to go for enriching lessons for students who need more challenges. In the same light, re-teach options such as video links, study guides, and lesson notes could be posted to help struggling students.


International Society for Technology in Education. (2008). National education standards for teachers (NETS-T). Retrieved from