Friday, January 20, 2012

Carrying Out my “Moodle” GAME Plan

My GAME plan of implementing Moodle is well on its way as I completed my first workshop this Wednesday the 18th of January. The training was pretty basic, but it needed to be since I had no previous exposure. I got my course set up and investigated several functions such as how to attach files, embed audio or video clips using html codes, organize interface settings, and engage students in secured online forums. So now all I need is time, which unfortunately may be the hardest thing to get. As with any new software, it takes getting used to and scheduled time to experiment with.

I also acquired a few new colleagues at the event that have offered assistance should I need it in the coming months. When I need additional information I will first contact our schools technology and curriculum specialist who I have worked closely with in the past few months, but if she is not available I now have the support of others who share the same goals that I do. In addition, I was given reference to a great book called “Using Moodle: Teaching with the Popular Open Source Course Management System,” if I should desire a greater understanding of the software and its functions. My next step is to determine which of my classes I want to begin with and pick an upcoming section.

1 comment:

  1. Mike,

    I am glad to hear that you had a chance to complete a workshop. Time seems to always be the hardest thing to come by but stick with it and the time will work itself in! Good Luck!
